by LP | Oct 14, 2014 | Documentaries, In Development, News
Working with Producer Matthew Metcalfe (BEYOND THE EDGE), the animated film will be a documentary in which six individuals who served at Gallipoli are brought back to life. The animation will be done by Flux Animation in Auckland. The film will be released in...
by LP | Sep 20, 2013 | Events, News
Following three sold out screenings at the Toronto International Film Festival BEYOND THE EDGE was a runner-up for the People’s Choice Award for Documentary.
by LP | Jul 31, 2013 | Documentaries, Events, News
BEYOND THE EDGE Leanne Pooley’s new film about Sir Edmund Hillary’s ascent of Mount Everest is to have its world premier at the Toronto International Film Festival. Leanne will be attending the festival held between the 5th-15th of September.
by LP | Oct 23, 2012 | In Development, News
Leanne Pooley has begun work on BEYOND THE EDGE a 3D film about New Zealand’s Sir Edmund Hillary. A General Film Company production, produced by Matthew Metcalfe the movie is due to be released in 2013 and will tell the story of the historic first ascent of...
by LP | Oct 23, 2012 | News
FINDING MERCY has been selected to screen at IDFA, The International Documentary Festival Amsterdam. IDFA is the biggest and one of the most prestigious documentary festivals in the world and we are thrilled that our film has been chosen to screen alongside some...
by LP | Aug 29, 2012 | News
FINDING MERCY will begin its festival journey in South Africa on the 9th of September at the Tri-Contiental Film Festival, the African continent’s only human rights film festival. Screening times on the festival website>...
by LP | Jun 26, 2012 | News, Releases
Leanne Pooley talkes about her latest documentary, Shackleton’s Captain, on Radio live.–Andrew/tabid/506/articleID/28421/Default.aspx
by LP | May 31, 2012 | News
SHACKLETON’S CAPTAIN a Making Movies production directed by Leanne Pooley will screen on Television New Zealand’s TVOne on Sunday June 3rd at 9:30pm. The docu-drama was 2 years in the making and tells the story of Frank Worsley captain of Ernest...
by LP | May 16, 2012 | News
It was a full house and a great night as Spacific Films Production, “Finding Mercy” screened at the Bridgeway Cinema in Auckland on Monday night. Robyn Paterson the director and Leanne Pooley the producer were in...
by LP | Apr 26, 2012 | Events, News
The Spacific Film’s production “Finding Mercy” the story of two little girls and a friendship that came to represent the lost promise of Zimbabwe will screen at the Bridgeway Cinema Auckland at 7pm on Monday, May 14th. Three years in the making this...